All of our services are streamed live at 11AM & 6PM. Watch them here. Past weeks messages can be found on our sermon page.
Free Grace Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist church meeting in Belvedere. We are united by a common faith in, and a desire to worship and glorify God, and to make Him known in Belvedere and the surrounding area. We meet together for worship at 11AM and 6PM every Sunday. We also have a full range of regular weekly meetings and special events for all ages at which you are welcome to come and join with us. If you would like someone to contact you with more information, or if we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Who we are
The worship of our church has one focus, the triune God revealed in Scripture.

What we believe
We are a reformed baptist church based upon the 1689 confession of faith. Find out more…