At our Sunday meetings
We have two meetings each Sunday. The morning meeting starts at 11AM and the evening meeting begins at 6PM. Whichever meeting you choose to attend you should expect to be welcomed at the front door and provided with a copy of the church bulletin, the bulletin contains details of all our meetings for the week ahead, please ask if you would like more information about any of them.

The hymns numbers are displayed at the front of the church building, and the number of each hymn is also announced by the preacher before it is sung. It is normal to stand up for the singing of the hymns. Both, our Sunday morning, and our Sunday evening meetings last for around 75 minutes.
Each meeting will include announcements, singing, and Bible reading, but most of the time will be taken up with teaching from the Bible. You are free to bring your own Bibles with you, however Bibles are provided by your seat for your convenience.
At a Thursday meeting
The first part of our Thursday Bible study and prayer meetings follow the same basic structure as our Sunday meetings with singing, Bible reading, and a time of teaching from the Bible. Following the Bible study there is a time of open prayer. This provides an opportunity for those present to share items of concern relating to the church, or other people with whom they are in contact.
The meeting normally concludes around 8.45pm.
Many of our Sunday and Thursday meetings are recorded and can be listened to on this website. If you are unsure what our services are like then listening to some of our recorded meetings may be a good place to start.